The fox guys bringing sexy back
7:37 PMBEWARE. You are about to get some REALLY weird content here. And by really weird I mean really weird.
I am a wreck. Totally and utterly. I have slept around 5 hours in 3 days and I'm telling you - it's not enough. And I still can't fall asleep, feeling all nostalgic and happy and sad at the same time. I hate this post concert hangover. I don't remember if it was that bad after BEAST. Probably. But this time I had so much more people to share it with and it makes it worse, not to metion everyone were from all over the world, not just from Estonia. I still can't believe it and I'm pretty sure I just hallucinated the whole thing.
What should I say? It was great and their music is amazing? It was beautiful how much soul they put into the performance? (Hahah. Sorry, I will add some weird comments here and there.) That they were silly and funny and hilarious and beautiful and wonderful and just great? Probably all of it. How am I even going to finish this post here...? Should I even talk about the concert or should I start with how I actually got to Sweden? Cold and snowy Sweden that I now miss so much?
Okay, maybe just a few words of the general trip as well. Me and Gerda met up before going to the harbour, and then saw Laura and Ursula there! We finally boarded after waiting quite a bit and got to our cabin (THE CABIIN heh heh). Put our stuff there and ate a bit, then went to explore the ferry. It was huge and mostly had Estonians on it. We were quite bored at first and Laura and Ursula went back to talk and go to sleep; me and Gerda on the other hand thought we should check out the karaoke and maybe something else. Of course the second song that was sang was You Rise Me Up (this has absolutely nothing to do with Vegard, right). We met some people and, well, ended up going to sleep around 4-5. I didn't sleep. As it sometimes happens to me, I'm in my period of not sleeping. I was exhausted in the morning.

On a ferry, almost Stockholm.
Arriving to Stockholm was amazing, it was so pretty and sunny and snowy! It was too cold even, later, but we'll get to that. We took metro to our hostel and left our stuff there, already ready to go to the concert. We were meeting people at the Sergels Torg before that, though. After finally getting there, we got some good from Burger King and tried to find each other. We did! So it was me, Gerda, Ursula, Laura, Aylin, Kasia, Anu and Brenda. We went to have some tea/coffee and food and sat for a bit, talking and introducing ourselves to each other. Even though it was a bit awkward at first, we got along really well soon! Also, I still can't believe I met all of you?? Like, we are all from so different places and then we just all got together and it felt amazing. I have a lot of feels that I'm not ready to explore yet (like will I ever see you all again in the same place?).
From there, we all moved to metro station and got to the Globe Arenas. It was around 3-4 hours earlier so we just walked around to see what was happening and if there were other people and where is the entrance and so on. Soon we gave up on being outside, however, and decided to go to Globen shopping. We met Anita and Leanne there...! Also Catherine found us; even though we were staying at the same hostel, we didn't leave from there together. I saw some other people while randomly walking around (it was so weird, like you just stand and then someone you are used to speaking in, I don't know, twitter, walks past you???). Aylin also spotted someone who looked like Magnus and it was him indeed, doing some shopping.
We went to McDonalds to have some food/drinks again since everyone were cold. And sat there for a while, using wifi. At some point it was so funny to see everyone just glued to their phones, but hey! We all MET thanks to the internet so what's the bad thing here? Also, I should ask all of you if it's okay to post pictures of you. If it is, I'm going to do it on the next post...

(Why do I look like this?) Anyway, this was when we were waiting to get in.
Anyway, after a bit we decided to go out again and there were a few people near the entrance 4. We just stood around and tried to play some stupid games. Or take pictures. Even though it was getting colder and colder I still really wish I could go back and freeze there! Everyone just talked to each other, random people offered others chocolate and everyone were in good spirits! At some point Aga came to ask if I was Signe and it was just amazing to see her! Also Madara, who was kind enough to give her spare ticket to Aylin. Then later a girl from Macedonia approached us and asked if it's okay if she'd hang out with us! She was Maria and I already miss her and everyone else.
Like really. I haven't even gotten around to write about the concert and I'm already like where are you people, why are you not in Estonia with me? Why do we all have to live so far? Especially the ones I'm used to talking more to!!! It's so frustrating.
Annnnnyway, moving on, we waited around 2 hours or so, even a bit longer since they opened the doors a bit later. Doors at 6:15 pm and concert was supposed to start 7:30 pm. After we got inside, we took our clothes to the coatroom and went to the venue area... there was surprisingly few people, so we all ended up standing in the 4th row or so.
Still an hour to go. Me and Aylin were discussing such ridiculous things and we weren't even excited. I was tired and exhausted and cold and wanted to sleep. I actually kept yawning. Then Elly spotted me, and Chris too; we proceeded to hug in the middle of all those people. I also noticed others, like Mimmi - though I saw her earlier too, and Erin - but left it at that at that point. (Yep, I am super shy and awkward when meeting people I am so sorry. I try not to be but sometimes it wins. ;~;)
It was 7:30 and there wasn't many people and it didn't seem to start. Of course another half an hour or bit more to wait. My back hurt, I just wanted to sit down. And then finally the screens showed The Expensive Jacket Tour logo and clock that counted down from 10. It was the shortest and longest 10 minutes of my entire life. And then it started. Actually, there was this ad for the show. And everyone kept screaming reallllly loudly since oh my god. I was screaming too. I am not ashamed to say that.
And THEN it started. The notes of Pressure started playing and I just thought that it couldn't be real. Was I really there? Wasn't it a dream? But then Bard freaking Ylvisaker just walked up in front of me, STOOD there and actually STARTED to SING. Nope. I was just so done and it felt so crazy. There were people yelling "oh my god they are real". Including me, of course.

Oh you know, just tje first random picture I took... ha. Haha. Hahaha. ;~;
I just... where am I going with this? Should I tell how they looked like?
Bard Ylvisaker is soooooooo handsome. As you probably figured, he is the favourite of mine out of the brothers. (Also I like the adopted one as people kept saying but right now I'm overwhelmed with this. :_D) To me, he looked exactly like on the pictures but even more? He was just so... real. What can I do, that's what I thought??? And also, he looks freaking great with those short hair! And has beautiful blue eyes! I truly never expected to be so close and notice.
And Vegard Ylvisaker. Vegard Vegard Vegard. Vegard. He was so Vegard. Maybe a bit different than on the pictures? I don't know???? To me, he seemed smaller, but he was soo... genuine and oh man Vegard was so great you have no idea. It was so confusing and I'm still trying to figure everything out that happened there. But wow. Okay, me thinking it's a good thing to write this in my sleep deprived situation... probably not that good idea.
So. They sing Pressure. In. Real. Life. Pressure. Everything. How?
What was next... oh, yes. Shabby Chic. Again - how? The part where Vegard broke the chair and proceeded to throw parts of the chopped chair to people was hilarious. For a moment I actually thought he was going to throw the ax as well but... Signe what the hell.

Shabby Chic is a treasure!
Then came Jeg Heter Finn, my favourite Norwegian song. Before that of course it was time to talk to people and Bard talked how they are now speaking English, like "SORRY LADIES, I AM MARRIED". And he just repeated it quietly after people cheered/booed. The best. And of course: What's his name? VEGARD! What's his name? VEGARD! - NOOO, IT'S FINN! Damn how I love this song (like all of their songs to be honest???!).

There are too many pictures I actually would like to add...
Then it was Work It and it's so confusing, since later when I saw some instagram videos I was like... yeah, Vegard wore those clothes but I don't remember anything about this one??! Oh yeah, it was the part Bard was doing his dance in the back; I was literally on my toes looking at him after yelling at Aylin "can you see him dance oh my god". She did. But she really couldn't care less.

Then it was Mr. Toot time. It was awesome live! I really wanted to know how Bard would do Mr. Toot and I was not disappointed. Not at all. Also, props for Aylin for such an amazing picture...

I mean seriously...
Then - Pie Jesu. I don't even know what it is with me and Pie Jesu, but when I noticed it's going to be this, I just screamed really high and it was somewhat a quiet moment... Yeah, I am truly a lucky girl. (Read: embarassed.) It was great. And the greatest was this blood on Bard's forehead he didn't get off after killing his brother. (Okay that sentence here sounds REAaaaaaALLy weird.)
Somewhy I've started to like the weirdest of their stuff.
Then came the "sometimes we need to rest"-speech. Which ended with me screaming Massachusetts so loudly I didn't think I could sing along to anything later. But oh I did since Massachusetts it was. They threw hamburgers at people. Like real McDonalds cheeseburgers (but they were pretty dry, me and Gerda shared the one Bard threw but who cares it was enough for dinner). Um. Also, I was so glad that Bard did these Calle's parts and I mean he was standing right in front of me during the whole "it should be mass and choose like the mass in massproduce but without produce"-part and it even felt like he looked in my direction but I might (probably am) just be delusional but wow these are some lyrics that speak to me in deeper emotional level. Uh.

Erin's flag! Also, you can see this little bloody spot.

Intolerant. Jesus. I don't think anyone expected to actually be poured over with real milk but that's what we got - milk on our faces while we were grinning and screaming. Also Vegard on that horse... I really want to hear people's thoughts who were not prepared/only came for the fox.

Yep. Nope.
Sometime there was also Tissemann? Or Ytterst pa Tissen to be exact. Which is something I really wanted to hear live even though I totally hated it when it came out? It's my most listened song on iTunes now...
And Trucker's Hitch. Again some talking from Bard's side; I think this was when he needed to cough and managed to make a comedy number out of it. Then they sang the first part adorably (Sondre would be so happy to hear it). And then continued. And I was trying to make a trucker's hitch with my flag but nah. Too difficult while you are trying to yell along to BONITAAAS.

I don't even know anymore.
The Cabin was next. I was so glad Aylin was close to me so I could send some sneaky looks towards her and her face. You know? And also we got to see Magnus on stage for Careless Whisper. Which was just great as well. What were you expecting? He is soooo tall. And it was so lovely how everyone kept yelling his name and music for the next song had already started when he ran away.
Then it was time for Janym and I don't think I've ever sang something so loudly in Russian than this Saturday during this concert.
And then Yoghurt... my somewhy-favourite song of them. (Totally not because all-Bard, right?) It was so great you have no idea I just though I don't want this to end, ever. He asked one fan to say a taste and she said vanilla, so he proceeded to jump around and sing about vanilla-flavoured yoghurt and if this wasn't glorious then I don't know what is. (Or what's wrong with me.)

I just watched the Yoghurt HD video and I just-... Also, the security guy looks so pissed off.
There was a huge surprise too, but I will just keep this to the very end.
Time for Stonehenge. Damn, I love Stonehenge. Well, everyone does! Especially this one drunk guy who tried to run through people and pushed me into 2nd row and I felt so bad for some time and then I still couldn't really move so I just stood there and Vegard ran in front of us.
And Jan Egeland... Gerda's favourite song. You know? It was so great live I will forever be unable to listen to them on my computer or something. Just... general nope.

Here I was on the second row already. I didn't even have to zoom or hold my hands closer to the stage, this is basically how I saw everything???
And the encore song - What Does the Fox Say. That's when it always hit me that I'm going to see them live - when I heard this. And I saw it live. While being just a few meters from the stage. I still can't believe it and I'm very bad at describing it but what can I do, I just felt like I needed to write something down.
More pictures on my instagram.
At some point Vegard said that there is something else. Before Stonehenge and stuff; after Yoghurt. Somewhy Sexyback music started to play. (It clicked for me that it was in Drammen's setlist but it was taken out so I still had no clue.) And then they asked for a nice guy to volunteer. And even though all girls still wanted to do it as well, Bard picked someone called Mike from the first row. And they took him on the stage and got a chair for him. His hands were tied to the back. They asked where he is from (Romania) and they were seriously just so amazed for a moment.
Mike got a girl to dance for her. For like... 3 seconds. Because then Ylvis took over and it was THE weirdest striptease-lapdance to Sexyback I've ever even seen (not that I've seen others). And I had no idea I wanted to see it. But I guess I did. I guess EVERYONE did.
It was crazy. People who weren't at the concert and saw just someone mention it were soo super confused until people started adding videos. Including me of course. I still can't comprehend everything.

I literally can't explain this.
And then it was basically over. Just... that was it. For no VIPs. But... we still talked to some other people, like Erin and Chris, and it was really just mind blowing to see them in real life?! Weird. I will never stop mentioning it.

I totally found a poster. Well, Aylin did. She has good skanning skills.
Our group moved to town, we took a metro and went to sit in some bar thing, had some drinks and everyone just discussed the hilarity of what had just happened. And how bizarre it felt. And how amazing. And how we didn't ever want to leave. I still want to go back so bad!
I will talk about Sunday and the ferry ride back sometime later, I am still exhausted but I tried to sleep, I just can't. I don't know what is wrong with me.
Just watch this. It will explain some stuff (or make it even more confusing, I don't even know anymore). I have an exam tomorrow; I need to study. That's going to be a mission impossible. But yeah, soon to post about other things we did beside the concert as well. :)
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