Sometimes friends from Germany visit you
12:01 PM
Hey! Aylin arrived on Monday evening and I went to pick her up, then headed to my place where I gave her these amazingly stupid Vegard’s oven mitts, after what we decided to go back to town to have some dinner. Later at home it was just so very bizarre to have her next to me, answering to my comments and hear her talk??? You know? It didn’t even feel as if it was the second time we met!
We started the next day by going to visit the TV tower, even though I wasn’t exactly sure how to get there… Yes, you have to bear in mind I’m the worst when it comes to directions. I don’t even want to think where I can accidentally end up like this. I’m so very sorry for all the extra walking I made us do!

It is a pretty cool place and gives a nice view, though it is located very… inconveniently if you want to visit it. And there is nothing really interesting around.
After that we had some food and tried to go to visit one abandoned prison, but it was closed, so we headed back home where I continued being amazed and eating awfully lot of amazing German candy. We did check out another creepy dangerous place I do not recommend before that, though:

Theeen the next day I had my internship interview in a caffee and it was awkward but went very well and if my school is fine by it, I will work in a legal bureau for around 3 weeks in the beginning of October.
After that we headed to Patarei prison again, meeting with my friend Linda, on the way. OOOOOOH. In the morning we had to go by post office, because a crazy wombat had gotten me a SONDRE LERCHE T-shirt and sweater. (I’m still crying.) *shoots an ad for Sondre shirt*

It is super interesting place and I have been there now for… 3 times plus 1 that I didn’t go and walk around. They have different art pieces up from last year when they had an exhibition called “earth without art is just e.h”. It was not without funny incidences, for example there was another visitor in a dark room who took a photo and we all screamed since, well, that was awful. :’)
The exhibition is mostly taken down though, except for the pictures that make it very breathtaking. Some rooms… you just have to see ythem yourself.
After that we went to eat, but it started raining soon and this stopped us from going around in Old Town so we headed home instead and watched a movie and just were lazy. I love the days where you can do something exciting, but also relax and enjoy doing nothing.
The next day we had rented a car to go to a few places out of public transport reach! Very important picture of our companion:

Also, I don’t have a driving lisence so Aylin did the driving as I tried to read the map. TRIED to. But I could pick music, we listened to Ylvis so much and it was very very lovely.
We headed to Rummu quarry that also has sand mountains next to it. Of course we used the GPS and ended up in a road that was very bad, offroad, I was panicking very much while Aylin was having fun. We almost got stuck on mud and were worried about the car. :’D There were others as well and having some discussions we figured to get back on the main road and see if we can find a better access. Which we did!

This was the sign welcoming us. Now, Rummu quarry is another prison. Or rather, was. Nowdays it is a popular site for swimming and jumping from the buildings, though it is dangerous and a lot of people have hurt themselves. Diving is very interesting there and near the walls, water is 4 meters deep. I’m not a good swimmer, but I did swim there, even though you can just take a few steps before you won’t reach the ground. It is also quite cold, but since the weather was hot… perfect.
We just stayed there for a few hours during which I managed to burn my face terribly and looked like a panda. Not a pretty one, at that! And when it got a bit cold, we just changed clothes and decided that… yep.

We should climb those. So we found a better place for it, after seeing people on top of the mountains. *casually makes an ad for Sondre’s sweater*

So we did climb around there. It was amazing. Look at that!

We were quite tired, but decided to go and visit a Keila-Joa waterfall, since it is a cool place where I’d never been to, and quite close to the quarry place as well! On the way there we spotted a plane. On the field. (Which we later found and visited, obviously).

Oh hey there. So here I am just standing in a pond, right? WRONG.

Aren’t those amazing pictures? Aylin is a super great photographer. Also, the place was amazing. You could get very close to the waterfall and feel the drops of water on your face, even. Which was very nice, considering my burnt faceee.
After that we headed back home, but stopped near the plane, after asking help to locate it. It belongs to Estonia’s toy plane club! She captured this young boy being very excited over the plane, much like us. We got to go in, since some old man was there and let us; we also could climb to the back of the plain where a person with an automatic… gun thing was located, since it was a Soviet cargo plane and used to carry war stuff. Oh wow, my vocabulary amazes me.

Then home and we were too tired to stay awake much longer than 10! Though before that we stopped and got a pizza (with pineapples, or rather, painapples, am I right?).
Second day with a car. We decided to go to Viru swamp, though it is a bit farther even than Rummu and we had to take the car back by 3. But it was surely worth it! It is located in a national nature park in Northern Estonia as well, but completely the other direction from the places we visited on the previous day.

There are those small swamp lakes with super clean water that look black when you look in them, or blue when the sun is shining like that. You can also go swimming there, which we sadly couldn’t. This time.

We hiked, well, walked, to the watchtower which was like… a few kilometers away from where we started (3,2 to be exact, I looked it up!). It was nice, sunny, beautiful. And we met so many German tourists! Actually, I think Aylin talked to other tourists more than I did since everyone somewhy knew German!
After this we had to return the car, which was fine, despite the awful road we took to Rummu. And then went home where Aylin cooked me pasta and it was very nice to just hang out. Discuss stuff. Embarrass each other. Also I don’t remember when, but we watched an hour of Sondre’s performance. I had to mention it, you understand!
The next day we decided to visit Bastion tunnels and I booked us a time. Bastion tunnels are tunnels under Tallinn. We had a short tour there, just an hour or so and it was very fast so we couldnt’t really get any nice pictures. But it was a cool place; in both how it looked and temperature-wise, since it was only 10 degrees; considering it was about 26 outside. It was still pretty nice and interesting, since the tour started from 2014 and ended in sometime 1200. (We went back in time :’).)
After that we just walked around in Old Town and visited those watching platforms we wanted to visit already earlier. Again, I’m a bad guide, but we found nice places, still. Also, GPS is a lifesaver.

Look at this. I had no idea Tallinn looks so nice, but apparently it does!

At one point Aylin decided to buy me a sunflower. I wonder why… (no I don’t).

So there is that. Later we decided to film the question and answer video (which is still not up, I knooow, I’ve been working for so many days straight, I’m sorry!). And drink something. Tequila, to be honest. It was the worst idea ever, though it was still fun. Again, thank you for hanging out with us on tinychat! Please let’s do that again but without alcohol.
I felt very ill. Oh gosh, that was horrible. :’D So we enjoyed our time at home, even talked to Dilan on skype, cooked, just went for a walk when it was already dark outside. I could feel myself getting sad already as well, so it was not a nice day. Though we did book tickets for Oslo, picked out Airbnb flat and everything! So… Oslo, here we come. If we were famous, I would say you could meet us if you want to. Not nice was also the next day, 17.08. We slept for quite a long time and then filmed a new Q and A video since the other was too long thanks to your challenge things. :D And we made pancakes (unable to eat them…). And then packed and then… yeah, went to airport and it was so sad I’m feeling sad again god damn it.

So here we are. Ready (or not) for October!
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